Serving on the Wellness Teams below requires a prerequisite Dynamics that Define Us Class and training requirements of each team lead.
This team ministers on Sunday mornings and at various other times to pray for individuals. This team is trained with The Mission DNA to minister with love as our first priority.
Contact: Dave and Phyllis Miller
A pastoral care ministry of relational restoration as well as in-depth Sozo ministry for individuals, couples and families.
Contact: Coleen Jurado
Jan Elrod has a driving passion to see people live well and regain their health with natural alternatives. She is a graduate of Natural Healing College and specializes in customized wellness plans to help people overcome illness or get on a healthy track. She handcrafts many products including goatmilk soap, face creams and herbal medicines as well as carrying high quality supplements. Her knowledge spans 40 years.
Jan Elrod, MH (Certified Clinical Master Herbalist)
Graduate of Natural Healing College
858.758.9878 business number
Appointment hours:
Wednesday – Friday, 10:30am to 5:30pm
Saturdays, 1pm to 5pm bath & body products for out or town shoppers
Local pick up for products available.
Come and experience Jehovah Rapha in our weekly Healing Rooms. 1st and 3rd Saturdays every month from 10 am - 12 pm in the Hangar. The Healing Rooms are made up of well-trained volunteers from several area churches and they minister to our entire community.