Upcoming Events

Check out some upcoming events here at The Mission!

Sunday Morning Speakers
The VanGelder’s

Join us on Sunday Morning, September 8th, Guest Speakers Jamey and Nicole VanGelder will be here! They are the Senior Leaders of The House Church in Eagen, Minnesota, and the parents of 8 amazing children. They have a heart of seeking and encountering the Lord's presence in all that they do. They carry and impart a sweet, loving wisdom from the Lord. You won't want to miss this life changing encounter.

The Well: A Night of Worship

Join us for The Well - A Night of Worship, on September 13th at 7 pm in the Hangar. These worship nights are about intentionally ministering to our beloved, almighty God. We invite you to come and encounter His presence as we worship together.

Ignite School of Ministry

Join us September 15th - November 24th in our IGNITE School of Ministry. Our focus this semester will take us through the Gospels as we dive deeper into the Bible. As well as learning how to identify our passion and our purpose. These ten weeks will be packed full of equipping, teaching, engaging with one another, building relationships, and discovering the greater depths of God's heart for His sons and daughters. Don't come alone, bring a friend!

Meet & Greet

Are you new to The Mission? We want to say, "Hi!"

Come, Meet and Connect with Mission Staff and CARE Leaders

After service on Sunday, September 15th in the Rush Cafe.

Refreshments / Conversation / Meet new friends and reconnect with old friends